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BONUS: Steal My Proposal Template That Has Closed 5&6 Figure Deals

You get the 7 Page Proposal Template FREE!

✓ You get the proposal template outline that shows you how to structure a profitable project

✓ This proposal has been used multiple times to close 5&6 figure deals

✓ You can copy and paste your information inside, and save hundreds of hours messsing around

✓ Download the template, and send your proposal, and close a deal...TODAY!

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Proposal Template Results When You
Install This Into Your Process In 2024


Hi, I'm Troy

With 8+ years experience as a marketing expert I've helped launch, grow and scale businesses for various professionals.

I've personally managed millions of dollars in ad spend for marketing campaigns, and raised $4.5M for a real estate syndicate. On top of that we helped raise $619k for charity, and helped free 2750 women and children and facilitated extraction from a conflict zone.


Troy-Green-Headshotcircle 2

Hi, I'm Troy

With 8+ years experience as a marketing expert I've helped launch, grow and scale businesses for various professionals.

I've personally managed millions of dollars in ad spend for marketing campaigns, and raised $4.5M for a real estate syndicate. On top of that we helped raise $619k for charity, and helped free 2750 women and children and facilitated extraction from a conflict zone.


Troy-Green-Headshotcircle 2

Read what others are saying


"Loved that I got to read this last week because I'm signed up to your newsletter." - Alex DiGiacomo, PHD, Clinical Psycologist; Associate

"Loved that I got to read this last week because I'm signed up to your newsletter." - Alex DiGiacomo, PHD, Clinical Psycologist; Associate


"There are so many newsletters out there battling for my attention, but every week I look forward to getting Troy's newsletter. If you aren't're missing out."
- Greg Wood, Senoir Marketer, Marvel Movie Fan, Weekend Hockey Warrior, USA

"There are so many newsletters out there battling for my attention, but every week I look forward to getting Troy's newsletter. If you aren't're missing out." - Greg Wood, Senoir Marketer, Marvel Movie Fan, Weekend Hockey Warrior, USA


"The work that Troy is doing with InternalSuccess is already making such a positive impact. His lessons have given me the vocabulary and new knowledge to refresh my own strategy and pitches. A must-read every Thursday!" - Alicia Torres, Senior Marketing Manager at Force24, United Kingdom

"The work that Troy is doing with InternalSuccess is already making such a positive impact. His lessons have given me the vocabulary and new knowledge to refresh my own strategy and pitches. A must-read every Thursday!" - Alicia Torres, Senior Marketing Manager at Force24, United Kingdom

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"In a matter of minutes Troy walked me through his process that revealed over $540,000 in EXTRA income that we can easily generate inside my business. The crazy thing about this is that it is actually attainable and we've made a plan to make that happen." - Zephan Blaxberg, ZMB Media, Baltimore, USA

"In a matter of minutes Troy walked me through his process that revealed over $540,000 in EXTRA income that we can easily generate inside my business. The crazy thing about this is that it is actually attainable and we've made a plan to make that happen." - Zephan Blaxberg, ZMB Media, Baltimore, USA

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"There’s genius here with this one! I know I am in good hands when it comes to developing and rolling-out effective campaigns to grow my business. Troy not only possesses a brilliant and strategic mind, his continual study of the ever changing face of online marketing keeps him ahead of the curve."
- Dawn Delvecchio, Consultant, USA

"There’s genius here with this one! I know I am in good hands when it comes to developing and rolling-out effective campaigns to grow my business. Troy not only possesses a brilliant and strategic mind, his continual study of the ever changing face of online marketing keeps him ahead of the curve."
- Dawn Delvecchio, Consultant, USA

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“Troy is a charismatic marketer that has made my message jump off the page. Troy has actually given me results when building our company a funnel, unlike other marketers we’ve hired in the past. Great work Troy, we will always be calling you back.” - Valen Vergara, Team Made Real Estate, Kelowna, Canada

“Troy is a charismatic marketer that has made my message jump off the page. Troy has actually given me results when building our company a funnel, unlike other marketers we’ve hired in the past. Great work Troy, we will always be calling you back.” - Valen Vergara, Team Made Realestate, Kelowna, Canada

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